Anthony Bourdain trying a local mean in the Northern part of Nigeria

How to eat local dishes when you travel without getting sick


Trying local meals when you’re in a foreign city or country is definitely one of the ways you experience the culture but it can also ruin the whole experience.

To avoid falling ill on any of your trips, you can try these travel tips to avoid getting sick from food.

  1. Be cautious of uncooked food

    It’s going to be very hard to completely ignore uncooked food, but it is advisable to be really careful with it. Meals that you don’t know how they are prepared or washed might still have germs in it so staying away from it is advisable so you don’t contract anything. Asians mostly have uncooked foods that are actual meals, so you are advised to tread with caution.
  2. Conduct research about the meals to expect before going on the trip

    Always make enough findings of meals before travelling to your destination to have more insight into the particular foods to have and the ones to avoid.
  3. Stay off meals that can’t be peeled

    A lot of times, it’s healthier to eat produce that generally has natural outer layers that can be ripped off or packaged foods.
  4. Avoid eating at the same place the indigenes eat

    Eating at the same location as locals might be on the itinerary with the aim of having fun while you cut your budget but you might as well be giving room for sporadic bathroom visits. You might be opened to the idea of trying local meals while your stomach is saying otherwise.
  5. Always ask for the contents that are used to make the meal

    In situations where you find something endearing on the menu, ask the waiter to tell you what ingredients are used in making the meal. This is mostly to avoid allergic reactions which might be mild or sometimes fatal.
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