Health benefits of millet.

5 shocking health benefits of eating Millet


The Nigerian diet, Millet is a very popular meal that is rich in nutrients and fiber.

Nigeria as a developing country produces a large quantity of Millet. Meals like Fura, Acha, Millet fufu, Millet pap are made out of the Corn-like looking crop.

It is highly popular due to its high nutritional value and health benefits. Listed below are some of the amazing benefits of Millet:

1. Helps to decrease high blood pressure

As earlier said, Millet contains Magnesium. This helps in relaxing the muscles that line the inside of the arterial wall, which helps to reduce blood pressure.

2. Aids Breast Milk production

Pregnant and lactating women are advised to consume Millet in high amounts to increase the production of Breast Milk in their body. This enables the mother to feed the child for a longer period of time.

3. Helps to keep a healthy heart and clear the arteries

Consumption of Millet in large amounts helps decrease triglyceride levels in the body. It thins the blood to prevent blood platelet clumping, thereby reducing the risk of sunstroke and coronary artery disorder. It is also a great source of fiber and Magnesium which help to regulate cholesterol in the body and stop them from clogging the arteries.

4. Controls Diabetes

The fiber in Millet means that it has a very low glycemic index that slows down the digestion process, hence keeping the blood sugar level at a constant ratio. Millets increase insulin sensitivity for people suffering from diabetes and also helps to control the sugar levels for non-diabetics especially type 2 diabetes.

5. Helps in Weight Loss

Millets are high in fiber which gives a feeling of satiety quickly, hence helping to reduce overeating. The food digests at a slower rate and keeps the stomach full for a longer period of time. People who want to lose weight are advised to incorporate Millets in at least one of their main meals.

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