Will Going Vegan Make You Healthier?

Will Going Vegan Make You Healthier?


Truly, vegan-wannabes ask the above question time and time again. But the simple answer is yes, it will.

Interestingly, a study, which pulled together the results of 10 previous analysis comparing the health of vegetarian and vegans against that of omnivores, suggested it will.

The researchers found being a vegetarian or vegan was associated with a significantly lower risk of heart disease and cancer, though there was no difference in all-cause mortality.

In other words, being a vegetarian or vegan was associated with being healthier but not necessarily with living longer.

Common sense-wise, since vegans are likely to be more health conscious than the general population, it is natural that they’d enjoy good health more than everyone else.

For instance, one Dr Giles Yeo after being a vegan for just a month, lost 4kg and brought in his belt by a notch. Along with the fall in his belly fat, his cholesterol also fell by 12%.

So will he keep it up? “I’ve been pleasantly surprised,” he said, “and though I don’t plan to go vegan entirely, from now on I’ll try and do at least a few days every month.

“I have to admit I was apprehensive about going vegan for a month, but once I learned a few recipes I was fine and I actually ended up enjoying it. For me, the key was not to cook vegan versions of meals that I would normally eat with meat, but to opt for recipes that were designed to be vegan in the first place.

“What I missed most while on the diet was eggs – I actually expected to miss meat a lot more.”

 Truly, you can’t really go wrong following your heart by being a vegan. It comes with its own peeves, though. For instance, one of the main challenges of going vegan is to make sure you’re not missing out on any key nutrients.

To get this through, you may need to rely on fortified foods, including some types of soy milk, rice milk, organic orange juice, and breakfast cereals.

Good luck. SHARE this post, please. Thanks.

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