Russia-Ukraine War! Cassava Set To Replace Wheat In Earnest

Russia-Ukraine War! Cassava Set To Replace Wheat In Earnest


Following the crisis in the two warring nations of Russia and Ukraine, the Africa is currently experiencing a wheat shortage, leading to a spike in the prices of the commodity heavily used in the baking industry.

Excellently, verifiable reports say, aside from being an excellent gluten-free flour substitute, cassava flour is loaded with lots of health benefits, that include:

Strengthens immunity; Folate and vitamin C, both found in plenty in cassava leaves, are very good for the body’s immune system. Vitamin C helps the immune system by attacking the nucleus of viruses and bacteria, rendering them dead. It also maintains bone health. It is also a good antioxidant that eliminates free radicals in the body.

Contains resistant starch; Cassava is a good source of resistant starch that mimics soluble fiber properties. Consuming an adequate amount of resistant starch improves blood sugar control and supports gut health. In addition, studies suggest that the resistant starch present in cassava nurtures beneficial gut bacteria. Cassava starch converts into butyrate fatty acid during digestion, reducing colon inflammation and boosting its defense mechanisms. A healthy gut and colon bring down the risk of colorectal cancer.

Weight loss; Because it is rich in dietary fiber, cassava can make you feel full for a longer time. Thus, reducing the need to constantly snack on food to suppress weight gain.

Cassava’s gluten-free carbohydrate source can also be used as a fat replacer in meat analogs, a trend that is really on the rise. Its modified forms can be used to encapsulate active ingredients and can be made into edible or biodegradable food packaging materials.

Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is a starchy root crop of the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae, and one of sub-Saharan Africa’s most popular and widely consumed food crops.

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Queen Nwabueze nee Eugene is experienced public relations strategist, media relations expert, content marketer and digital marketer - the quadruple skills it takes to manage any reputable brand in today's world.
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