Is there food in Africa?

Is there food in Africa?


Truly, as rhetorical as this question may sound, Tattasetv wishes to give a direct answer to the direct question. The simple answer is a ‘yes.’ There is food in Africa!

Honestly, it’s high time Africa began to tell its own story. Just assuming that the continent has no food has always been a lie.

With good governance from the leaders who should help with the provision of technology and farmers’ training, Africa does not really need anybody’s food. Seriously, with the help of great food processing and distribution, Africa will do just fine.

Though most African farmers need more facility to store and preserve their farm produce, the old methods of storage and preservation are still prevalent and serving…at least we are ALL not dead from hunger and thirst.

No. Contrary to popular western belief, developing countries in Africa are not dying of starvation.

Talking about the African cuisine which is divided into, North, West, Central Africa, Horn of Africa, South, and East Africa. The Northern area consists a lot of historical and political events, which can be traced back to Egyptian history. On the West side of Africa, they are heavier on the spices, starch food items, meats, and flavors. In Central Africa, the tradition of cooking their food remains untouched by influences from other cuisines. They like to eat game meats, such as crocodile, warthog, monkey, and antelope. The horn of Africa’s traditional dishes are more on stews served in flat like bread, known as injera. The South is also known as a rainbow cuisine because of its many influences from other countries. Milk is one of the most important ingredient of the South Africans. Then we have the East African cuisine changes from area to area around it.

Africa’s cuisines vary greatly throughout the continent and their foods have become a part of everyday American cuisine whether you realize it or not. When many people think of African cuisine not too many things may come to mind, but we are seeing African influenced food trends all over the place.

To take you and lead by hand into the African cuisine norms, breakfast is considered too important to be skipped. A light meal is usually consumed early in the morning.  Better Health puts it better: “Breakfast is often called ‘the most important meal of the day’, and for good reason. As the name suggests, breakfast breaks the overnight fasting period. It replenishes your supply of glucose to boost your energy levels and alertness, while also providing other essential nutrients required for good health.”

Lunch is typically the heaviest meal of the day and is eaten midday to 4 pm. A Common African lunch menu can be made of potatoes, beans, rice, yams, sorghum, millet, plantain, or cassava.

At dinner, Africans get to prepare a wide variety of food from their farms not too far from home. A meal can have possible combinations of potatoes, fried plantains, breadfruit, roasted chicken, tomato stew, boiled yams…you name them.

You see? Africans are not one tree-to-tree jumping monkeys, like the western world willed to us over the centuries. So yes! There’s  F.O.O.D. in Africa?

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