Is going vegan just a fad?

Is Going Vegan Just A Fad?


Let’s answer the above question right from this outset. No, it’s not just a fad to be a vegan.

There has been an explosion in interest in veganism, in recent years, driven largely by concerns about health, animal welfare and the environment. So, it’s actually a serious business.

Vegans do not eat meat, poultry, fish, or any products derived from animals, including eggs, dairy products, and gelatin.

There are now four times as many vegans in the world as there were years ago.

One of the tricky things about going vegan is that many products that don’t sound as if they have anything to do with animals actually do. So take heed.

Eggs, cheese and meat are obvious no-nos but so is mayonnaise (contains eggs), some pastas (ditto), and wine (some alcoholic drinks use fish bones or proteins from other animals as part of the production process).

You see?

As well as making sure you are not accidentally consuming animal products, one of the main challenges of going vegan is to make sure you’re not missing out on any key nutrients.

You already know that following a vegan diet puts you at risk of getting insufficient vitamin D, which is needed for bone health.

So how hard is it to convert and what are the potential health benefits? Not difficult at all to convert. Just make up your mind. That’s all. Health-wise, vegan diets offer a range of health benefits.

For people looking to lose weight, a vegan diet can help. Eating vegan diet may also help you maintain your heart health. What’s more, this diet may offer some protection against type 2 diabetes and certain cancers.

In fact, a vegan diet is richer in certain nutrients.

You already know that switching from a vegan diet means you will eliminate meat and animal products.

This will lead you to rely more heavily on other foods. In the case of a whole food vegan diet, replacements take the form of:

•             whole grains

•             fruits

•             vegetables

•             beans

•             peas

•             nuts

•             seeds

Since these foods make up a larger portion of a vegan diet than our typical diet, they can lead to a higher daily intake of certain beneficial nutrients.

Therefore, going vegan is not just a fad but also wise a healthline decision.

Good luck.

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