‘Industrial Food Fortification Proven Way To Improve Nutrition’

‘Industrial Food Fortification Proven Way To Improve Nutrition’


The Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG), has said, food fortification is a proven way to improve nutrition and health as it is a simple, cost-effective intervention that can be used to add essential nutrients to foods commonly consumed by large populations.

The group said it was on this premise it collaborated with eHealth Africa and the Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC), to embark on an advocacy visit to NASCON Allied Industries, producers of Dangote Salts to secure its commitment.

Lead, Input and Distribution Thematic Group, Agriculture and Food Security Policy Commission, NESG, Mr Dianabasi Akpainyang, stated that  food fortification is a cost-effective intervention that can be used to add essential nutrients to foods commonly consumed by large populations.

Akpainyang reiterated that the importance of workforce nutrition in Nigeria could not be overstated, noting that while working-class individuals spend one-third of the day within the work environment a good percentage of such workers do not eat healthy within this time for reasons such as availability and affordability.

He noted that this significantly impacts productivity, as malnourished workers are more likely to be sick, tired, have industrial accidents, and be absent from work, thereby leading to lost man hours.

He urged the company to promote workforce nutrition among staff members.

He added that workforce nutrition could reduce absenteeism, improve workers’ productivity, reduce healthcare costs, and increase employee morale while also encouraging the company to ensure its workers eat food fortified with essential vitamins and minerals.

Also, the Quality Assurance/Control Head, NASCON Allied Industries Plc, Mr Danjuma Musa, noted that Dangote salt was fortified with Iodine that would help the growth and development of the human body.

He said that iodine fortification of salt was a mandatory requirement in Nigeria, adding that the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has established a standard for the iodine content of fortified salt.

“Let me start by saying that salt produced in Nigeria must be fortified, so all our salt, irrespective of the end user, is fortified with Iodine. Fortification of salt with Iodine is a safe and effective way to prevent iodine deficiency”.

In her remarks, the Head of Health Safety and Sustainability, Ms Disoye Oba, said that NASCON Allied Ltd is a foremost salt refinery company in Nigeria that produces about 40 tonnes of refined salt per hour.

She noted that the company is conscious of her Corporate Social Responsibility, which has necessitated holding capacity programs, renovation of public toilets, digital finance training, youth empowerment training and social impact assessment and sustainability report training.

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Queen Nwabueze nee Eugene is experienced public relations strategist, media relations expert, content marketer and digital marketer - the quadruple skills it takes to manage any reputable brand in today's world.
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