Food Security: GOLDEN MORN Unveils Agripreneurship Webinar Series

Food Security: GOLDEN MORN Holds Agripreneurship Webinar Series


A frontline Nestlé Nigeria’s brand, GOLDEN MORN, has created an Agripreneurship Webinar Series to promote sustainable food systems and increase youth participation in the agriculture sector.

Reportedly, the program provides support for young entrepreneurs already engaged in or set to start up businesses in the agricultural sector through trainings, funding, mentoring and networking opportunities.

Note that over 200 young agripreneurs have benefited in the 4 series of the webinar so far.

In his comments at an even presenting the grants to nine beneficiaries from the third and fourth sessions of GOLDEN MORN Agripreneurship Webinar series, the MD/CEO Nestlé Nigeria PLC, Wassim Elhusseini, said, “I am excited at yet another opportunity to celebrate the next generation of farmers who will continue to feed our rapidly growing population, the entrepreneurs and innovators of tomorrow.”

He continued: “Your passion validates the strategic importance of GOLDEN MORN’s investment to provide support, opportunities and platforms to enable you create or scale your businesses and improve livelihoods within the agricultural value chain.”

Encouraging the Nigerian youths to embrace agriculture for good, Elhusseini added: “I encourage you to take advantage of the grants you will receive today, to leverage the mentorship and the networks that you have formed, to make a significant impact by creating jobs for the teeming Nigerian youths.”

Also speaking during the presentation, Obianuju Okafor, Project & Finance Manager of the Enterprise Development Center (EDC), Pan Atlantic University said, “Entrepreneurship is a critical pathway to improving the economy and upscaling the Agricultural value chain. We are delighted that our continued collaboration with Nestlé GOLDEN MORN on the Agripreneurship Webinar Series continues to provide excellent opportunities for young agripreneurs to be trained on creating and running sustainable business models, to enable them increase their business productivity, ultimately impacting positively on the economy of the nation”.

Responding on behalf of all the beneficiaries, Joshua Bitrus of Agrigain Locura Ventures, Kaduna, said, “I am delighted to be a recipient of the GOLDEN MORN Agripreneurship Webinar Series grant. The grant will definitely go a long way towards actualizing business expansion, not only for myself but also for my fellow recipients. I call on other young people to take advantage of the opportunities provided by companies such as Nestlé Nigeria.”

The agri-webminar which is in collaboration with the Enterprise Development Center of the Pan-Atlantic University is aimed at exposing young agripreneurs to relevant trainings on different aspects of the agricultural value chain, with focus on grains.

Post training, beneficiaries are supported with seedling and mentorship to enable them to trudge on in their businesses.

Note that the fifth series of the programmed is billed for October 2022. The webinar is open to all budding or existing agric-based entrepreneurs aged 18 to 35 years.

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Queen Nwabueze nee Eugene is experienced public relations strategist, media relations expert, content marketer and digital marketer - the quadruple skills it takes to manage any reputable brand in today's world.
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