“Coconut Oil Is Unhealthy,” Experts Declare

“Coconut Oil Is Unhealthy,” Experts Declare


From this outset, let’s do well to hand you the summary of this post just in case you don’t have time to read through it all.

“It is packed with saturated fat, which can raise bad cholesterol, say popular international heart experts. 

What do you know about coconut oil? In fact, if there is one import about the oil you have heard over time, it is that coconut oil healthy. Right?

Indeed, coconut oil is commonly sold as a health food and some claim the fat in it may be better for us than other saturated fats.

There is a new update. Here – American Heart Association, AHA, however, says there are no good studies to support this.

The advice around which fats to eat can be very confusing.

Animal fats, such as lard, are generally seen as bad, while plant oils, such as olive and sunflower, are seen as healthier options.

That theory is based on how much of one particular type of fat – saturated fat or “sat fat” – these products contain.

Saturated fat is said to be bad for our health, although not everyone agrees.

Eating a diet high in saturated fat can raise the level of “bad” (LDL) cholesterol in the blood, which, in turn, may clog the arteries and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

According to the AHA, 82% of the fat in coconut oil is saturated. That’s more than in butter (63%), beef fat (50%) and pork lard (39%). And, like other saturated fats, studies show it can increase “bad” cholesterol.

The heart experts concluded that people should limit how much saturated fat they eat, replacing some of it with unsaturated vegetable oils – olive oil and sunflower oil, and their spreads.

What are your thoughts on this? Would you still argue that coconut oil is healthy cooking oil?

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