4 Wonders You Didn’t Know About Earthcare Nigeria

4 Wonders You Didn’t Know About EarthCare Nigeria


Surely, we can bet you’ve just heard about the waste to wealth brand, Earthcare Nigeria Limited.

In a media chat with Mr. Gregory Ohiaeri, Managing Director, EarthCare Nigeria Limited, revelations revolved around the benefits of eating compost plus grown feeds, collaborations with companies that want to venture in waste management, how to source for waste and advice to government and youths, among others. 

Now that the clamour to save the earth by what we eat and do is on, Tattasetv likes to remind you that compost plus is an organic form of fertiliser. It is natural. It has no chemical or man-made subsatnce in it. It is better to use compost to grow whole food in terms of our agricultural use. Using compost has advantages, as against using chemical fertiliser. If you watch, using compost plus, since it is natural, some of the produce from the natural harvest tends to last longer. The shelf life is higher and much better than the shelf life of other crops that are grown with chemical fertiliser.

To be exact, here are 4 amazing things you probably didn’t know before now:

1.            EarthCare is a waste-to-wealth, pure Nigerian company based in Ikorodu, Lagos.

2.            Because of its powerful significance, Earthcare works in collaboration with the Lagos Waste Management Authority (LAWMA) to take waste from Lagos State and turn it into compost plus fertilisers for plants and protein feed for animals.

3.            The company is a diverse one: EarthCare also has a project called the Black Soldier Fly (BSF), where it uses the flies’ larvae (maggots) to bio-convert some of our organic waste. Because these larvae are ferocious eaters, they break down waste quicker than any other microbial process. It also allows us to harvest the maggots because, at that stage, when the maggots are grown, it is about 40 to 43 per cent pure protein. The protein is what we need for animal feeds. It is better than the usual ones used, which are plant-based protein from soya bean and so on. With the maggots, we can bio-convert the waste to protein for animal feeds and also produce the residual frass. It is also rich in nutrients for farmers to grow their crops and at the same time rejuvenate the soil, explained the CEO. 

4.            Mr. Gregory further hinted: When we talk about waste-to-wealth, some people don’t know that there is wealth in waste that we see regardless of the kind of waste. Even from the drinks that people drink, the bottles can be recycled to produce other sustainable products. Our job is to take these waste, turn it around to make wealth from it in terms of empowerment, employment and so on.

To make the world a better place for you and for me, EarthCare is indeed out to care for the earth just as the name professes.

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Queen Nwabueze nee Eugene is experienced public relations strategist, media relations expert, content marketer and digital marketer - the quadruple skills it takes to manage any reputable brand in today's world.
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