Benefits Of Fibre Diets For You

4 Benefits Of Fibre Diets For You


“You need more fiber in your diet.” How often has your doctor, nutritionist, or mom told you that? You probably know you need fiber, but do you understand why it’s so important?

Take a look:

1. Keeps You Regular

Fiber is most famous for increasing the weight and size of your bowel movements. This softens your stool, which makes it easier to pass. Fiber also bulks up watery stools. This helps prevent both constipation and diarrhea.

2. Lowers Cholesterol

Foods high in fiber, such as beans and flaxseed, help lower bad cholesterol. Fiber-rich diets do this while lowering blood pressure and inflammation. This benefits the heart and helps people feel more energetic.

3. Contributes to Healthy Weight

Eating high-fiber foods fills you up quickly, so you don’t eat as much. They also take longer to digest, so you don’t feel hungry or snack as often. This leads to fewer calories throughout the day.

4. Controls Blood Sugar

If you have diabetes, you’ll benefit from fiber’s ability to help control blood sugar levels. It slows down the absorption of sugar and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes at the same time.

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