3 Environmental Benefits Of Eating Less Meat

3 Environmental Benefits Of Eating Less Meat


Did you know, there is a difference you make when you eat less meat?

As abstract as talking about greenhouse gas emissions may feel, there’s a more tangible benefit to eating a plant-rich diet — it could reduce the number of animals raised on factory farms.

Global meat production has increased rapidly over the past 50 years. Worldwide, we produce more than 340 million tonnes each year.

The truth is that animal farming causes a lot of damage to our environment. It is the single most significant driver of habitat loss, soil loss, water, and nutrient pollution.

Reducing meat consumption has many benefits. In fact, it is the single most significant action you can take to help our environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and soil degradation. Reduction of meat consumption will also save an enormous amount of land, water use and will increase biodiversity.

Let’s take a look at just 3 most significant benefits, our environment can gain just by your reducing your meat consumption.

1.            Eat less meat and reduces deforestation

Animal agriculture is one of the most significant causes of deforestation. It happens most commonly through slash-and-burn. This method involves the cutting and burning of plants and trees.

70% of the world’s plants and animals live in forests and are losing their habitats.  Companies that have been deforesting the rainforest to raise cattle for their hamburgers include Walmart, McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, and Burger King. By not purchasing meat products and avoiding such companies, you have the power to reduce the demand for meat, and thus – deforestation.

2.            Eat less meat and lower greenhouse gas emissions

Meat production is responsible for generating about 14.5 % of total global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions mainly from:

             Animals (cows and sheep) create large amounts of methane as they digest food

             The manure that animals produce

             Manufacturing & use of fertilizers and pesticides

             Land use and & the conversion of land for pasture/feed production

             Feed processing and transportation

3.            Reducing meat consumption reduces climate change

3. Meat consumption is a significant contributor to global warming and environmental degradation.

To sum up, achieving a sustainable, healthy diet is essential to eat more plant-based foods and reduce our consumption of meat and other animal products.

While it will be best if you switch altogether, simply reducing those foods can have a positive impact, too.

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