Tanzania Records Rise In Annual Meat Export In 2022

 Tanzania has reported a rise of 10,415 tonnes of meat exports worth US$42.5 million in 2021/2022, according to the country’s Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development. According to David Sindile, the Tanzanian Deputy Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Development, the export figures had listed a 492% rise compared to the corresponding period in 2020/2021 where […]

Ramani Plans Big For African Businesses, Raises US$32m To Digitise CPG Supply Chains

Ramani, a Tanzania based consumer-packaged goods (CPG) supply chain software developer, has raised US$32m in series A funding round, comprising of equity and debt, to scale its operations. Founded in 2019, the tech company is focused on fixing fragmented consumer goods supply chains that traditionally suffer from lack of data visibility and are burdened by […]

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION!  UN Launches Tanzanian Women Into Agriculture With US$5million

The quadruple body –  the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) as well as the UN Women, have launched US$5 million project to encourage Tanzanian women in agriculture.  The five-year programme tagged: “Accelerating Progress Towards Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment […]

Tanzania Grain Board To Spend US$8.7 M On Construction Of Processing And Milling Plants

Tanzania’s Cereals and Other Products Board (CPB) is set to invest US$ 8.7 million to construct three new maize flour and paddy processing and milling plants with the aim of strengthening its competitiveness and exploring the emerging trade opportunities in the East Africa region. The first facility is a maize-cassava composite flour processing plant to […]

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